We value your privacy.  When dealing with your personal information, safety and consideration are assured. We collect and use your information only in order to fullfil your orders and serve you the best way possible. We gather information from you only optionally, so you can always be in charge of your private information. And we will not gather any other information than what is necessary for us to serve you the best way possible – usually that means if you place an order for us, we need your name, address, telephone number and email address.

We store this information safely, and it will only be used when needed to fulfill your orders and/or request.  We will not give your information to anybody else, other than parties that are vital for the process to deliver your orders to you (our logistic partners), and they are not allowed to use it any other way than on the agreed delivery process.

In case you have provided us your email and agreed to receive newsletters from us, we hope that this agreement benefits the both of us since our plan is to send you only content that may be beneficial to you. But in case you decide that you are not anymore interested in receiving newsletters from us, you can always unsubscribe from this service easily (option available in every mail you get from us).

If you need more details about our privacy policy or our information gathering and storing policies, please don’t hesitate to contact us at service [a]


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